Tezpur University is looking for Assistant Professors and Guest Faculties for the (i) Department of
Mathematical Sciences and (ii) Centre for Inclusive Development on contract basis initially for one (01) year as per the following details.
Apply mode: Walk-in
Name of the post: Mathematical Sciences
- Assistant Professor - (04 posts)
- Guest Faculties - (02 Posts)
Date /Time/Venue of Interview : 08.08.2018 (Wednesday) 10.00 AM
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tezpur University
Name of the post: Centre for Inclusive Development (CID)
- Assistant Professor - (01 posts)
Date /Time/Venue of Interview : 17.08.2018 (Friday) 10.00 AM
Centre for Inclusive Development, Tezpur University.
Emoluments: For Assistant Professor (Contractual) - Rs. 50,0001- (fixed) Per Month.
For Guest Faculty - Rs. 1,0001- per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,0001- per month.
No other allowances, etc. will be admissible for both the positions.
For Education And Eligibility Criteria follow the official advertisement which mentioned below with link.
How to Apply: According to the detailed advertisement available on the website www.tezu.ernet.in, interested candidates with biological data and testimonials (original) may be present before the selection committees.
Note: Interested candidates are to register their names along with detailed biodatalCV (mentioning Name, Father/Mother/Spouse Name, Permanent & Correspondence Address, Phone No., e-mail, Date of Birth, Caste, Sex. Detailed Educational Qualification from J Olh standard onwards, Detailed Work Experience. Present Position (if working) with details of job nature, etc., bye-mail to
hod_ms@tezu.ernet.in (Contact No. 03712-27-5501) by 05.00 P.M. of 06.08.2018 (for Mathematical Sciences)
rkdoley@tezu.ernet.in (Contact No. 03712-27-3251) by 05.00 P.M. of 10.08.2018 (for CID)
If the number of candidates registered for the interview by the last date as stated above is large. then
candidates short-listed on the basis of essential and desirable qualifications may be called for the interview through e-rnail. A notice for such short-listed applicants may also be uploaded in the University website before the scheduled date of interview. In absence of such a notice, all candidates who register their names as stated 'above may appear for the walk-in-interviews on the scheduled dates and time.
Download advertisement click here.
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